Afrikan Worldview Study Group's Library
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Black History Black Economics Excerpt about the Economic history of African Americans before integration.
Wise Intelligent of Poor Righteous Teachers Wise Intelligent speaking on the change of Hip Hop after Rodney King and how
Rap music was seen as a threat to national security.
Ancient civilizations free energy conference 2013 - 2014 Conference on ancient technology of electricity, machines, harmonics.
The family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy Rothschilds' family history (Full Documentary)
The illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi The reason he was killed. The African Dinar
Maafa21 Eugenics and Genocide of all non-white people.
Ancient Egypt and The Alternative Story of Mankind's Origins The pyramid was an electrical and harmonics plant! (Full Documentary)
Spiritual War Part 1
Supremacy Crusades/Jihads of the Master Warlords...
Ancient African Cultural Wisdom - Sacred Feminine balanced with Sacred Masculine Part 1
Spiritual War Part 2
Supremacy Crusades/Jihads of the Master Warlords...
Ancient African Cultural Wisdom - Sacred Feminine balanced with Sacred Masculine Part 2
Spiritual War Part 3
Supremacy Crusades/Jihads of the Master Warlords...
Ancient African Cultural Wisdom - Sacred Feminine balanced with Sacred Masculine Part 3
Spiritual War Part 4
Supremacy Crusades/Jihads of the Master Warlords...
Ancient African Cultural Wisdom - Sacred Feminine balanced with Sacred Masculine Part 4
Spiritual Analysis of Western Culture and the
Re-Awakening of Naga Consciousness
Ancient African Cultural Wisdom - How to realign and re-awaken the African Soul
Thrive - What On Earth Will It Take THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
Ancient Civilizations Free Energy Conference 2013-2014 Michael Tellinger - Ancient civilizations and free energy.
Malcolm X Make It Plain (Full PBS Documentary) If any man expressed the anger, struggle and insistence of black people for freedom in the sixties, it was Malcolm X. In Omaha, he was Malcolm Little; later he became "Detroit Red," a small time street hustler. From prison emerged another Malcolm, the fiery, eloquent spokesman for the Nation of Islam. After a trip to Mecca, there was a last transformation -- a new willingness to accept white allies. Who killed him and why has never been fully explained.
Dr. Amos Wilson - Lecture - A Blueprint for Black Power New York lecture by pre-eminent scholar and activist, Dr. Amos Wilson on his book; A Blueprint for Black Power!
What is Melanin? Lecture by Dr. Llaila Afrika on melanin...
Afrikan Worldview Study Group's Library
Articles / Books
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Ancestor Reverence
Creating your first Ancestor Shrine
Building your Ancestor shrine. A how to guide from the Yoruba tradition.
African Traditional Metaphysics Our attempt in this paper is to reconstruct African traditional Metaphysics.
Black Theology of Liberation, A - James H. Cone Christian theology is a theology of liberation. It is a rational
study of the being of God in the world in light of the existential
situation of an oppressed community, relating the forces of liberation to the essence of the gospel, which is jesus Christ.
The African Origin of Civilization
Myth or Reality
This pivotal book by Cheikh Anta Diop of Senegal established the Black African origin of Kemetu culture and people. It is fundamental for the inclusion of ancient Kemet in any African worldview of early human civilization.
Destruction of Black Civilization This book should be the basis for all the so-called Black
Studies programs. This is the basic text, necessary for Afrikan
mental development in the last part of the 20th century.
Destruction of Black Civilization (Audio Book) This book should be the basis for all the so-called Black
Studies programs. This is the basic text, necessary for Afrikan
mental development in the last part of the 20th century.
African Presence in Early Asia This volume, co-edited with Runoko Rashidi, is divided into five sections. The First discusses the peopling of Asia from Africa and identifies African people with Asia's frist hominid, as well as modern populations. The second section demonstrates the African elements underlying major early civilizations in Asia, an overview that includes India, Iraq and Iran, Phoenicia, Palestine, the Arabian peninsula, China, Japan and Cambodia. The third section discusses the African origin of the great religions of Asia--Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. The fourth section focuses on the historical and anthropological relationship between African people and Asia's Indo-European, Mongoloid and Semitic populations. The final section deals with African bondage in Asia and provides a fascinating glimpse of the Dalits, the Black Untouchables of India and more.
The African Origin of Major World Religions Reclaiming African religious precedence. Establishing the case that the major religions of the world all share a common origin point in African spiritual tradition.
Black Genesis - The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt Black Genesis offers astounding new insights as Bauval and Brophy forcefully support, with hard data, the radical idea that Egyptian civilization was the outgrowth of a sophisticated Black African culture that existed thousands of years prior to the earliest known pharaohs. Their book is a must read for anyone interested in genuinely understanding the true origins of ancient Egypt and the dynamics of how civilizations develop.
Black Slaves, Indian Masters - Slavery, Emancipation, and Citizenship in the Native American South From the late eighteenth century through the end of the U.S. Civil War, Choctaw and Chickasaw men and women held people of African descent in slavery. Like their white southern counterparts, Indians bought, sold, owned, and exploited black people’s labor and reproduction for economic and social gain.
DR. AMOS WILSON – BLUEPRINT FOR BLACK POWER LECTURE, year: circa (1992‐93) TRANSCRIPT BY JASON ALKAYLU - DRAFTED MARCH 1ST 2014 This writing is from Dr. Amos Wilson’s lecture entitled Blueprint For Black Power that was done and videotaped around the early to mid 1990’s. I have written out this lecture so that the reader will not only have a visual presentation of Dr. Amos Wilson’s work, but will also have literal material that can be read over and over which I think helps to inculcate his profound information into our minds and hearts and reaches our most subtle awareness.
Central Africa in the Caribbean - Transcending Time, Transforming Cultures This book attempts to synthesize information concerning the Central African presence in the Caribbean and, in so doing, analyses and identifies some of the main lineaments of the Central African cultural legacy in the region. For the purposes of this study, the Caribbean is defined as the islands of the Caribbean Sea and circum-Caribbean areas in Central and South America.
They Come Before Columbus - The African Presence in Ancient America They Came Before Columbus reveals a compelling, dramatic, and superbly detailed documentation of the presence and legacy of Africans in ancient America. Examining navigation and shipbuilding; cultural analogies between Native Americans and Africans; the transportation of plants, animals, and textiles between the continents; and the diaries, journals, and oral accounts of the explorers themselves, Ivan Van Sertima builds a pyramid of evidence to support his claim of an African presence in the New World centuries before Columbus.
The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ Around the world over the centuries, much has been written about religion, its meaning, its relevance and contribution to humanity. In the West particularly, sizable tomes have been composed speculating upon the nature and historical background of one of the main characters of Western religions, Jesus Christ. Many have tried to dig into the precious few clues as to Jesus's identity and come up with a biographical sketch that either bolsters faith or reveals a more human side of this godman to which we can all relate.
Powernomics A collection of essays gathered under the aegis of the new think tank, the Economic Strategy Institute (of which Prestowitz is president). The names of contributors are impressive, including Paul Kennedy, Kevin Phillips, Pat Choate, James Chace, Robert Kuttner, George Lodge, and Chalmers Johnson. Together, they assay a new approach to U.S. economic strategy for the immediate future in the face of the post-cold war world.
Project Fatherhood - A STORY OF COURAGE AND HEALING IN ONE OF AMERICA’S TOUGHEST COMMUNITIES Watts is home. Born and raised in Watts … I since moved but Watts will always be home for me, I love everything about it, it’s where I come from. Even though Watts is known for its low income, gang infested, drug infested streets, it made me the person I am today … coming from Watts motivates me to do better and have a better life. But Watts will always be home…. WATTS UP!!!!
ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF AFRICAN SECURITY THE UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY is an unlikely setting for a book about slavery in the United States. The land was unsuitable for the plantations that characterized slavery in the South, in large part because of the extremely cold climate in the Northwest Territory
Slavery in the Upper Mississippi Valley, 1787–1865 A History of Human Bondage in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin This new Handbook examines the issues, challenges, and debates surrounding the problem of security in Africa
The Warrior and the State in Precolonial Africa PREPARING this chapter was at once intimidating and challenging -intimidating because I have no models to draw from; and challenging because it needed to be done. More significantly, it needed to be done by an Africanist historian. For the days, alas, are gone when such subjects were comfortably left to the nutty anthropologists while historians in their lonely and crusty arrogance, exuded effortless superiority in dusty libraries and archives in a vain attempt to discover the truth about the past.
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Walter Rodney 1973; This book derives from a concern with the contemporary African situation. It delves into the past only because otherwise it would be impossible to understand how the present came into being and what the trends are for the near future. In the search for an understanding of what is now called “underdevelopment” in Africa, the limits of enquiry have had to be fixed as far apart as the fifteenth century, on the one hand and the end of the colonial period, on the other hand.
Imperium in Imperio Imperium in Imperio: A Study Of The Negro Race Problem by Sutton E. Griggs -
Liberation of the white Diaspora A presented accounting of white origins...?
Metu Neter The Great Oracle of Tehuti and the Kemetic System of Spiritual Cultivation, by Ra Un Nefer Amen
Observations of Africa for Colonization Observations upon the windward coast of Africa by JOSEPH CORRY.- An accounting by a European spy consultant of the feasibility of conquering and colonizing Africa 1805-06
Adinkra Symbols In this paper I will discuss Adinkra symbols, a Ghanaian writing system. First, I will introduce the symbols explaining where they are from, how they are used and how they originated. Then I will describe how Adinkra symbols are a writing system.
EGYPTIAN FRACTIONS AND THE ANCIENT SCIENCE OF HARMONICS There is a growing body of evidence to support the hypothesis that in ancient times there existed throughout the Near East a common mathematical approach to the definition of musical pitch in terms of ratios of pipe or string-length.
Metatonin Research, Pineal gland secretion METAtonin Welcome to the METAtonin Research website. METAtonin is a close cousin of melatonin. Melatonin, as you probably already know, is a secretion of the pineal gland that encourages our consciousness to enter the sleeping state. METAtonin is from the same chemical family and it also has an effect on consciousness, but in a different way. METAtonin does not suppress waking selfconsciousness the same way melatonin does during sleep; instead it modifies the borders of consciousness by temporarily reprogramming our brain circuitry in a unique way allowing self consciousness to separate from body consciousness while remaining aware. The main psychoactive ingredient in METAtonin is chemically known as DiMethyl Tryptamine or DMT.
Seeing Black: Race, Crime, and Visual Processing Using police officers and undergraduates as participants, the authors investigated the influence of stereotypic associations on visual processing in 5 studies.
The Five Major African Initiation Rites There are five major African initiation rites which are fundamental to human growth and development. These rites were originally established by African ancestors while they were living in order to link the individual to the community and the community to the broader and more potent spiritual world.
Stolen Legacy Stolen Legacy by George G. James - The aim of the book is to establish better race relations in the world, by revealing a fundamental truth concerning the contribution of the African Continent to civilization.
Symbol and the Symbolic Symbol and the Symbolic by R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz - Ancient Egypt, Science, and the Evolution of Consciousness
The Temple In Man The Temple in Man Sacred Architecture and the Perfect
Man by R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz
Book Of Enoch The Book of Enoch...
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion The presumption is strong that the Protocols were issued, or reissued, at the First Zionist Congress held at Basle in 1897 under the presidency of the Father of Modern Zionism, the late Theodore Herzl.
Toward Black Liberation By Stokely Carmichael - One of the most pointed illustrations of the need for Black Power, as a positive and redemptive force in a society degenerating into a form of totalitarianism, is to be made by examining the history of distortion that the concept has received in national media of publicity.
The African Worldview as the Basis of Practice in the Helping Professions By Dumisani Thabede - This paper endeavours to point out some of the specific elements that constitute the African worldview that both educators and practitioners in the helping professions should be aware of when providing social casework/counselling services to African people.
BWALU-BWA-NTU (NTU-OLOGY): A Framework for Advancing the Organization of Africana-Studies By Asar Imhotep - The African-American Cultural Development Project (AACDP) is an ongoing national venture which seeks to consciously create a viable and robust African-American culture (see Imhotep 2009).1 I have discussed the nature of culture and why African-Americans need to develop one in other publications (Imhotep 2009, 2012), so I will not go in-depth here. I will, however, provide a brief context for which the themes brought out in this essay are relevant. The aim here is to provide a national organizing framework by which to teach Africana-Studies (and phenomena in general) in a manner that better reflects the holistic approach to categorizing and studying life as done historically by African people.
Serpent in the Sky - The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt By John West - Serpent in the Sky present s a revolutionary, exhaustively documented reinterpretation of the civilization o f ancient Egypt; it is a study of the life work of the philosopher, Orientalist and mathematician, the late R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz.
The Search for Meaning in the Traditional African Worldview By Chibueze C. Udeani - There is the tendency, in view of the many political and economic problems facing Africa today, to question the relevance of efforts made in other areas partaining to Africa. One can understand those who raise such questions. For these people, to whom Africa has become a synonym for poverty and underdevelopment, it will make sense that Africa channels all her resources primarily into solving her economic, political and development problems. This group of people seems to overlook the fact, that politics, economy, development are but the different interwoven and interdependent parts of traditional African world-view in general.
Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men By Myles Munroe - The male holds the key to the nations-and our nations are in crisis. As the man goes, so goes the family, society, and the world. The problem is, men don‘t have a clear idea of where they‘re going anymore. They are suffering from a lost sense of identity-and the consequences for their families, communities, and nations are far-reaching.